Partner with us

Your support can help change the world.

Join the movement
to equalising access
to education 

EqualEd is committed to building support networks for the learning communities we create around the world.

If your organisation shares our values and wants to support our mission, then please get in touch by completing the below information and one of our team will be in touch. We look forward to working with you.

Eligibility requirements

How to partner with EqualEd. 

At EqualEd, it’s important that we work with organisations that are aligned with our values and goals. We’ve put together an application form to better understand your organisation and how you’d like to be involved.  

Get involved

Partner Application

Tell us a bit about your organisation and how you’d like to collaborate.  

Partner with us


EqualEd is committed to the highest standard of safeguarding and wellbeing for our community. We will therefore be conducting background screening checks as part of the on-boarding process for volunteers. Please disclose any relevant information which will appear on background checks with this questionnaire.